Interesting books

Design Like You Give A Damn, this book gave me a ton of insight on how I want to continue my design career.  I read if right after passing my LEED exam so it was sort of a continuation of learning/working with like minded designers.  Its more of a picture book but there are a lot of good quotes and ideas.  Hope you find time to read it!

Born to Run, my uncle put me onto this book after I spoke to him about a knee pain I had while running.  At that time I was in need of something I wouldn't necessarily pick up to read on my own.  I'm glad he made the suggestion because it opened up a lot of ideas about exercise, running, and ways of life.  The characters in the book are great and its a quick easy read.  Now I'm running barefoot everyday and loving every minute of it. 

Critical Path, I've always found R. Buckminster Fuller incredibly intriguing.  This is the first book I attempted of Fuller because of a good recommendation from a representative of the Buckminster Fuller Institute.  The book shares excellent points on the global crisis and human evolution.  I do find the book a hard read, several time I had to reread paragraphs because I just didn't understand his wording.   To be even more honest, I'm still working on this book but should be done soon.