6v Icosa Method 2 Class 1 Geodesic Sphere

This was the very first Geodesic Dome I modeled after learning of the different techniques from reading Geodesic Math and How To Use It. Geodesics is a topic I can't get enough of so I'm sure I'll be posting more models in the future. Maybe someday I'll have the ability to produce a real life structure in my backyard or something.

Any way, this gives you an idea of where my head is during my free time.

Jared and Laura's Deck, Columbus OH

I visited Columbus Ohio to attend a wedding and take on the job of building a good friends deck. Jared and Laura hired me as a contractor to complete the structure with a team of other good friends. The structural framing was done within a day of work with the full 6 person crew. All the other work such as decking, rail posts and balusters were done with only a couple people.

I love being invited on projects like this. You get to help out good friends, work with a dedicated team, and learn about building.

You can find more images of the building process, crew photos, and other images on my personal work page. You'll get a good sense of how much fun I had while working on this project. It was a great experience and I'm proud to say that I was part of it!